Contraindications and Other Considerations
Have serious heart problems or who have had heart surgery. This includes a Pacemaker but excludes Stents
Have had a stroke or a brain hemorrhage
Have an aneurism or blood clot
Are recovering from a major surgical procedure with internal stitches
Are on medication for low blood pressure (High Blood Pressure is usually fine)
Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo
Have serious mental health problems, excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety
Are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or have done so within the last 4 weeks
Take immune-suppressants after organ transplant
Have Addison’s Disease
Have current and severe epilepsy
Are under 18 years old
Have certain types of EDS
Are pregnant or maybe pregnant
Are breast-feeding a baby under 6 months old.
Who may not be able to take Kambo? (please discuss in advance)
The following groups of people may take Kambo but a little extra caution is required.
Women undergoing fertility treatment
Serious eating disorders.
Active drug or alcohol addiction.
People taking regular high doses of slimming, serotonin and/or sleeping supplements.
Someone who has fasted for 7 days before Kambo and who may have a disturbed electrolyte balance.
Anyone who has worked with Bufo Alvarius ( toad medicine) in the last 28 days
Please inform us prior to your treatment if…
You are or have ever been bulimic or anorexic.
You are taking or have recently stopped taking any medications.
You are taking or have recently stopped taking any diet/slimming pills.
You regularly consume anti-diuretic medication or sports drinks.
You have abnormally high or low blood pressure.
You are epileptic.
You have liver or kidney problems.
Other Considerations
We strongly advise against enemas, colonics, liver flushes or any water based detox within 2 either side of taking Kambo.
People with asthma need to bring their inhaler with them.
Diabetics need to bring insulin, testing strips and extra food.
Menstruation flow may increase for 24 – 36 hours following the Kambo treatment.
It is completely safe to continue to take any other medication, however please discuss this beforehand.
We also strongly advise that you DO NOT consume more than 3 litres of water during a single treatment (including 2 hours before and after)